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8 Inspirational Quotes That Will Brighten Your Day and Make You More Productive

There are always moments in our life when we need that little encouragement to get back on track, especially if we're having a bad time at work or at school, with our family situation or even with some friend. But there are also times when all we need is a small push to just finish our work, or to get started and keeping your morale up will only benefit you.

Here are some inspirational quotes from famous and successful people that will help you:

1. "If People Knew How Hard I Had to Work to Gain My Mastery, It Wouldn't seem wonderful at all." - Michelangelo

Have you ever been in those moments when you see a celebrity or a well known successful person doing his job perfectly and you start thinking 'Man, I'll never be like him, He's born with that talent, I'll never become that skilled', but guess what, you can. Like Michelangelo said, It takes so much hard work, that It's impossible to imagine the pain it takes to get through, until you find yourself in that situation, in order to understand that It's all about being patient with yourself and keep working hard.

2. "Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

It's true that to achieve our goal we must work hard, but without enthusiasm, It gets even harder. This is not easy, of course, but when you start losing your enthusiasm, take a rest and don't think about all the work you have to do, think about the 'big picture', think about that moment when you finally accomplish that goal that looked almost impossible and then you look back on those days when you were exhausting yourself by working hard and you say 'That was nothing, I'm still hungry'.

3. "It Doesn't Matter Where You Are Coming From. All That Matters Is Where Are You Going." - Brian Tracy

The circumstance that you're in, or that you were, It doesn't have to be an obstacle for you to reach your goal. All you need is just to get started, which is actually the hardest part. Getting started is not easy for everyone, It takes a lot of determination and commitment and the second hardest part is keep going, of course, but once you start working for what you want to achieve, nothing will stop you, not your circumstances, not those who hate (on the contrary they should motivate you) and not even yourself. Yes, you heard me, even for you will be impossible to stop once you start, because you know that that's where you really want to get.

4. "There are no secrets to success: don't waste time looking for them. Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty to those for whom you work, and persistence." - Colin Powell

No, really, if you thought there was a secret to success, I'm sorry to give you the bad news. The only secret (and I'm probably getting repetitive here, I know) is by working hard, that's it.

There are no shortcuts to success.

5. "My Only Fault Is That I Don't Realize How Great I am." - Muhammad Ali

Like the greatest of all time said, sometimes you have to stop for a moment, reflect and realize how awesome you are.
In the end, we all need that feeling of accomplishment to help us to keep going.

6."If You Survive Disappointment, Nothing Can Beat You." - Louis CK

Another hard truth is that you will fail in life many, many times. There are going to be more failures than success, but you can't let yourself get discouraged by your failures, you have to learn from it, fix what went wrong and then try again.
It doesn't matter if you fail 1000 times, you just need to succeed once.

7. "Fear Is Just An Illusion" - Derrick Rose

Sometimes we fool ourselves with things that are probably in our head, like self doubt, which is the destroyer of motivation, fear becomes something that can destroy all the efforts done until now. When this happens and It will, all you have to do is ask yourself if it is in your mind and test it to verify the truth, courage always beats self doubt, so just do it,don't let fear stop you.

8. "It's Better To Sh*t Your Pants Than to Die Of Constipation" - My Dad On Whether Or Not I Should Ask A Girl Out When I Was Younger

Well, this helped me when I was young to realize that is better to take the risk and get rejected other than live your life with the thought of 'what if'. It's always better to have tried instead of having regrets in your life, because in the end when look back, you'll regret the thing that you have not done, the opportunities you didn't take.

Life will constantly try to knock you down and It will, but It doesn't matter as long as you keep getting back up.


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