Whoever has watched The Godfather movie, recognizes it as one of the best movies ever made. It's not just because of the wonderful performance done by the actors, but also because of the lessons that we can learn from it, which does not include killing or controlling a crime organization, of course. Without further ado, here are 9 life lessons we can learn from the movie: 1. Whether They Are Friends Or Enemies, It Is Wise To Keep Them Close. We can't always be friends with everyone, sometimes we may end up having more enemies than we thought, but like Micheal Corleone says: " Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer." By doing so, not only we make ourselves unpredictable, but also it gives you the possibility to study them and make them predictable and it lessens the possibility to get hurt. 2. "Never let anybody know what you're thinking." - Micheal Corleone It happens to many people that, the fact they...
There are times in life when we find ourselves in a situation, or in some kind of circumstances that makes us forget what happiness really is. We start to feel depressed like we don't feel any emotions at all, happiness seems to be a long forgotten memory. But that's not the truth, the truth is that happiness can be found whenever we decide to, it takes just a little bit of commitment. Here are 10 forgotten truths about happiness that will help just in case you may forget someday: 1. You Feel Happy When You Make Other People Laugh Regardless of how bad you may feel inside, making someone else laugh, seeing other people smile genuinely, because you made them happier, will make you feel happy as well. 2. When You Are Happy, You Are More Motivated And Productive When you feel happy, even your body feels it for you, you feel so energetic, so motivated, ready to do anything like nothing can stop you. 3. Being Happy Means Being Optimistic I bet everyone would like ...